Technology transfer


Tech­nol­ogy trans­fer broadly refers to the trans­fer of data, designs, inven­tions, mate­ri­als, cell lines, soft­ware, man­u­fac­tur­ing knowl­edge, trade secrets, and other ele­ments from one orga­ni­za­tion to another. Recip­i­ents of these trans­fers can speed up the man­u­fac­ture of small mol­e­cule drugs, bio­log­ics, vac­cines, diag­nos­tics, and other types of health tech­nolo­gies like gene- and cell-ther­a­pies. Tech­nol­ogy trans­fer can be vol­un­tary or man­dated by gov­ern­ments through sev­eral legal mech­a­nisms. Given that knowl­edge shar­ing is often needed to scale up the man­u­fac­ture of health tech­nolo­gies, gov­ern­ments and other stake­hold­ers are increas­ingly rec­og­niz­ing tech­nol­ogy trans­fer as a crit­i­cal com­po­nent of the right to health frame­work.

Sev­eral res­o­lu­tions avail­able in the Lan­guage Com­pendium reflect com­mit­ments to facil­i­tate tech­nol­ogy trans­fer, but only on “mutu­ally agreed terms.” Com­mit­ments to facil­i­tate tech­nol­ogy trans­fer on “mutu­ally agreed terms” fall short from the types of poli­cies that are required to ensure equi­table access to med­ical inno­va­tion and ful­fill the right to health. There­fore, com­mit­ments to facil­i­tate trans­fers on “mutu­ally agreed terms” are only a base­line. Fur­ther com­mit­ments should cre­ate bind­ing oblig­a­tions to trans­fer tech­nolo­gies even with­out the con­sent of prod­uct orig­i­na­tors, to facil­i­tate equi­table access and ful­fill the right to health. States should also adopt inter­na­tional com­mit­ments requir­ing pub­lic and phil­an­thropic fun­ders to embed equi­table access terms in their agree­ments with prod­uct devel­op­ers. States should fur­ther express sup­port for exist­ing tech­nol­ogy trans­fer ini­tia­tives like the mRNA tech­nol­ogy trans­fer hub.


2022 Resolution on industrial development cooperation

2022 Resolution on elevating pandemic prevention, preparedness and response to the highest level of political leadership

2022 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

2022 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on access to medicines, vaccines and other health products

2021 Resolution on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development

2020 Resolution on industrial development cooperation

2020 Resolution on global health and foreign policy: strengthening health system resilience through affordable health care for all

2019 Resolution on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development