2021 Resolution on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development
Analysis of precedential value
This resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) without a general vote in December 2021. The UNGA is the preeminent governing body of the UN system and consists of all 193 UN Member States.
Used as precedent
access to health products, technology transfer
“Reaffirming that the creation, development and diffusion of new innovations and technologies and associated know-how, including the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, are powerful drivers of economic growth and sustainable development” (p. 3)
“Recognizing also the importance of supporting policies and activities of developing countries in the fields of science, technology and innovation through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation in the areas of financial and technical assistance, capacity-building and technology transfer on mutually agreed terms” (p. 4)
“Underscores the need to adopt science, technology and innovation strategies as integral elements of national sustainable development plans and strategies that help to strengthen knowledge-sharing on mutually agreed terms and collaboration and scale up investment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education, and enhance technical, vocational and tertiary education and training” (p. 6)
access to health products, local and regional manufacturing, technology transfer
“Also encourages Member States to promote local innovation capabilities for inclusive and sustainable economic development by bringing together local scientific, vocational and engineering knowledge, mobilizing resources from multiple channels, improving information and communications technology and supporting infrastructure development” (p. 7)