2020 Resolution on industrial development cooperation
Analysis of precedential value
This resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) without a general vote in December 2020. The UNGA is the preeminent governing body of the UN system and consists of all 193 UN Member States.
Used as precedent
access to health products, technology transfer
“Stressing also that the creation, development and diffusion of new innovations and technologies and associated know-how, including the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, are powerful drivers of economic growth and sustainable development” (p. 4)
“Encourages regional, subregional and interregional cooperation as a platform for international industrial cooperation aiming to promote investments and technology transfer on mutually agreed terms, to disseminate good policies and practices, as well as to foster decent work, including for youth and women” (p. 8)
“Encourages the promotion of South-South cooperation, triangular cooperation and the transfer, diffusion and adoption of technology on mutually agreed terms in building their engagement in international trade through the development of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises” (p. 9)