2022 WHO Guidance on Differentiated and Simplified PrEP for HIV Prevention


Analysis of evidentiary value

The World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) is the UN’s direct­ing and coor­di­nat­ing author­ity for health. WHO’s Sec­re­tariat serves the organ­i­sa­tion’s 194 Mem­ber States by imple­ment­ing the res­o­lu­tions and deci­sions of the World Health Assem­bly through its global and regional head­quar­ters as well as its 150 coun­try offices. The WHO Sec­re­tariat derives nor­ma­tive author­ity from its exper­tise and polit­i­cal neu­tral­ity. It is a widely respected pub­lic health author­ity in the UN sys­tem and beyond. Its guide­lines and tech­ni­cal reports are author­i­ta­tive sources of evi­dence.

Used as precedent

key population and community leadership, positive legal determinants

To scale up peer-led mod­els, struc­tural and legal bar­ri­ers to access PrEP and other health ser­vices by key pop­u­la­tions must be addressed. Equally impor­tant is the endorse­ment of key pop­u­la­tion-led ser­vices in national guide­lines, estab­lish­ment of sys­tems to accredit the ser­vices, fund­ing and inte­gra­tion into national health sys­tems.

harm reduction, key population and community leadership

A review of PrEP deliv­ery for peo­ple who inject drugs found that inte­grated PrEP ser­vices with com­pre­hen­sive com­mu­nity-based harm reduc­tion pro­grammes are likely to be most effec­tive in reach­ing peo­ple who inject drugs, and harm reduc­tion ser­vices are key to increas­ing aware­ness of and link­age to PrEP ser­vices.

universal health coverage

Increas­ing PrEP cov­er­age among sex­u­ally active indi­vid­u­als has the poten­tial to avert nearly half of new HIV infec­tions over 20 years; com­mu­nity-based PrEP imple­men­ta­tion using HIVST could be an effec­tive strat­egy for scal­ing up PrEP.