2022 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health
Analysis of precedential value
The special rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is a human right expert mandated to report and advise on this human right. This mandate was created by the Commission on Human Rights in April 2002 and was most recently renewed by the Human Rights Council in October 2019. This report constitutes an authoritative source of expert precedent for the meaning and significance of key language.
Used as precedent
bodily autonomy and integrity, gender identity and expression, positive legal determinants
“To achieve a comprehensive health response to violence, it is necessary to adopt an inclusive and non-binary approach to gender and gender-based violence, and must ensure that all laws, policies, programmes and services addressing gender-based violence are inclusive of all persons, with or without disabilities, children and adults, and should include cisgender, transgender, non-binary, queer and intersex people.” (paragraph 88)
“A comprehensive health response to violence should look at the nature and extent of the harm caused by types of violence, should take into consideration the context (that is, conflict, displacement), location (rural, urban) and personal characteristics of the survivor (sex, gender identity, disability, race, ethnicity, age) and should take into account the intersecting forms of discrimination that exacerbate the impact of violence on the survivors’ enjoyment of the right to health.” (paragraph 87)
human rights, key population and community leadership
“The operationalization of the right-to-health approach requires a focus on national, regional and international legal frameworks, the strengthening of health systems, data and reporting, clinical response and prevention. It is also important to focus on the resourcing and financing of comprehensive solutions centred around the restoration of dignity of all people, achieved when decisions include meaningful participation of communities and local feminist movements. Third-party financiers must not place conditions on grantees such as pledges against other human rights.” (paragraph 93)
human rights
“The Special Rapporteur recalls that State parties’ immediate obligations include guarantees of non-discrimination and equal treatment and the obligation to take deliberate, such targeted steps towards the full realization of the right to health as the preparation of a national public health strategy and plan of action. Progressive realization means that States have a specific and continuing obligation to move as expeditiously as possible towards the full realization of the right to health.” (paragraph 94)
bodily autonomy and integrity, intersectionality, negative legal determinants
“An intersectional and rights-based approach to violence that addresses the root causes of such violence, including the binary conceptualization of gender and heteronormative norms, and patriarchal, racist, ableist and capitalist oppression and determinants of health in law and practice, is urgently needed.” (paragraph 96)