2003 WHA on global health-sector strategy for HIV/AIDS
Analysis of precedential value
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the World Health Organization. It includes delegations from every UN member state, which gather annually to address questions about WHO’s governance, budget, and progress. Although WHA resolutions are centred on health, they engage various related topics ranging from military aggression to migrant rights.
Used as precedent
access to health products
“Exhorts Member States, as a matter of urgency to reaffirm that public health interests are paramount in both pharmaceutical and health policies, to recognize the difficulties faced by developing countries in effective use of compulsory licensing in accordance with the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (Doha Declaration), and, when necessary, to use the flexibilities in the TRIPS Agreement in order to meet the needs of developing countries for drugs against HIV/AIDS.” (paragraph 2(5))