Digital health


Dig­i­tal health refers to the use of infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nolo­gies in health­care. Dig­i­tal health includes a broad range of tech­nolo­gies, such as wear­able devices, mobile health, tele­health, health infor­ma­tion tech­nolo­gies, and telemed­i­cine. Dig­i­tal health tech­nolo­gies are used in a wide range of appli­ca­tions, from appli­ca­tions in gen­eral well­ness to appli­ca­tions as med­ical devices. Dig­i­tal health tech­nolo­gies includes tech­nolo­gies intended for use as med­ical prod­ucts, in a med­ical prod­uct, as com­pan­ion diag­nos­tic, or as a periph­eral to med­ical prod­ucts.

Har­ness­ing infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nolo­gies in health­care has the poten­tial to lower costs relat­ing to clinic vis­its, travel, or unpaid sick leave. Assis­tive dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies can con­tribute to the ful­fill­ment of the right to health for instance by per­sons with dis­abil­i­ties and by elders, par­tic­u­larly if these tech­nolo­gies are designed in con­sul­ta­tion with them. Dig­i­tal tools could also facil­i­tate improved analy­sis of epi­demi­o­log­i­cal trends, resource allo­ca­tion, dis­ease fore­cast­ing, devel­op­ment of novel prod­ucts, mon­i­tor­ing, among sev­eral other pos­si­ble advan­tages. Dig­i­tal health, how­ever, also rep­re­sents sev­eral risks. Dig­i­tal tools could be used, for instance, to per­pet­u­ate racism, sex­ism, ableism or dis­crim­i­na­tion based on sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion or gen­der iden­tity. Dig­i­tal health tools could also be used for arbi­trary and unlaw­ful inter­fer­ence with the right to pri­vacy.

Rec­og­niz­ing this, prece­dents reflected in the Lan­guage Com­pendium have affirmed that the same right that peo­ple have offline must also be pro­tected online, includ­ing the right to pri­vacy.


2022 Resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age

2022 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

2021 HRC Global call for concrete action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

2021 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on the right to privacy in the digital age

2021 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to COVID-19

2020 Resolution on comprehensive and coordinated response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

2020 Resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age

2019 HRC Res­o­lu­tion on the right to privacy in the digital age

2019 Resolution on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development