2000 General Comment No.15 on the right health

11 Aug 2016

Analysis of precedential value

The Com­mit­tee on Eco­nomic, Social and Cul­tural Rights (CESCR) pro­vides an author­i­ta­tive inter­pre­ta­tion of arti­cle 12 of the Inter­na­tional Covenant on Eco­nomic, Social and Cul­tural Rights.

CESCR is com­posed of 18 inde­pen­dent experts that mon­i­tor the imple­men­ta­tion of the Covenant. It is part of the Office of the High Com­mis­sioner for Human Rights, a Sec­re­tariat body led by the UN High Com­mis­sioner for Human Rights. CESCR actively solic­its the input of civil soci­ety organ­i­sa­tions, non­govern­men­tal organ­i­sa­tions, and national human rights insti­tu­tions.

Used as precedent